

U.S. Army Blood Processing Center

Contract Value
17,300 SF
Project Size
Fort Leonard Wood, MO

Scope of Work

SIOTS provided concurrent IOT&A services for 3 new Army Blood Processing Center projects. The facilities were specifically designed and built to support the collection, processing, and shipment of blood products to military treatment facilities throughout the United States and abroad.


SIOTS supplied a wide variety of medical, non-medical, and IT equipment, as well as furniture, casework, CCTV, temperature monitoring, and other systems. Our team successfully transitioned staff members into each new facility without delays.


While the 3 projects shared the same core mission and functions, allowing for synergies and standardization, each location also presented unique requirements and challenges that required our team’s creative thinking, expertise, and ability to work with key stakeholders.


SIOTS overcame the impacts of construction delays, joint occupancy issues during outfitting, COVID-19, and supply chain disruptions to complete the projects in just over 2.5 years with extremely high customer satisfaction. The new facilities, coupled with the nearly 100% replacement of equipment, greatly enhanced each unit’s operational capabilities.